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Terms and conditions of sale



"Company" means Tecnosens S.p.A. a socio unico as “SensorInStock” or “SiS” or its permitted assigns.
Tecnosens S.p.A. a socio unico, Via Vergnano 16 25125 Brescia Italia, email: [email protected], CF. e PI.03281810170, PEC: [email protected].

"Catalogue" means the catalogue (in whatever form, whether paper or electronic) in which these Conditions are set out.

"Adhesion" to the Conditions of Sale means the acceptance of all the clauses and conditions included in the Catalog, both in paper form and in electronic form in force at the time of the customer's order. With the formulation of the order the Customer accepts and adheres to all the Conditions of Sale of the Company that with the formulation of the order are expressly and specifically approved and accepted by the Customer pursuant to and for the purposes of Articles. 1341 and 1342 c.c.

"Customer" means the person(s) or company whose Order for any of the Supplies is accepted by the Company.

"Goods" means any goods (including any Software) supplied or to be supplied by the Company to the Customer.

By "Accepting" the order we mean the order fulfillment.

For "Confirmation"of the order we mean the formal communication of the Company to the Customer, through e-mail, of the acceptance of the order. The order confirmation is not necessarily automatic but will be provided only upon the express request of the Customer.

By "Order Mode" we mean the procedures through which the Customer can formulate his order. These procedures can be exclusively:

  1. Request made through the web site;

"Contract" means any agreement or agreement between the Company and the Customer, aimed at the sale and / or purchase of the Goods.

"WRITING" includes electronic communications.

"PRICES" and rates are expressly indicated for each product in the Catalog.



Le presenti condizioni generali di vendita regolano il rapporto contrattuale conseguente all’accettazione da parte di Tecnosens, con sede legale in Tecnosens S.p.A. a socio unico, Via Vergnano 16 25125 Brescia Italia, email: [email protected], CF. e PI.03281810170, PEC: [email protected], della proposta/ordine di acquisto del cliente e sostituiscono le versioni contenute in precedenti cataloghi, nonché qualsiasi altro accordo raggiunto tra le parti, salvo quanto eventualmente concordato per iscritto e con espresso riferimento alle presenti condizioni generali di vendita, derogandone il contenuto. Le presenti condizioni generali di vendita sono aggiornate a Gennaio 2017. La società si riserva, tuttavia, il diritto di modificare a propria esclusiva discrezione, le proprie condizioni generali di vendita. La versione più aggiornata delle stesse sarà in ogni caso pubblicata sul sito web Il cliente è tenuto, pertanto, a verificare al momento di invio della proposta/ordine di acquisto il testo delle condizioni generali di vendita in vigore, che sarà applicabile al contratto con La società in caso di accettazione della proposta/ordine di acquisto. Tutte le descrizioni ed illustrazioni contenute nel catalogo di SensorInStock, o in altra documentazione commerciale di SensorInStock hanno il solo scopo di fornire al cliente un'idea generale dei prodotti o degli articoli e non costituiranno parte del contratto tra La società ed il cliente. Nel caso in cui i prodotti o articoli forniti al cliente in Italia siano da questi successivamente esportati, sarà responsabilità del cliente ottenere, a proprie spese, tutte le licenze ed autorizzazioni necessarie, conformandosi altresì alle norme relative all'esportazione tra l'Italia ed il paese di destinazione, con particolare riferimento alle norme per l'esportazione di prodotti ad alta tecnologia.


The price of the Goods offered by the Company, specified in the catalog, are expressed in Euro and indicate the price including VAT (italian taxes: 22%)


The Company reserves the right to refuse to enter into contracts and agreements with its customers, individuals or legal entities, at its sole discretion.
Once accepted, no order can be revoked or canceled except by express written provision of a Director of the Company.

Acceptance of Orders by the Company occurs with the evasion of the Order itself.

The orders of some goods may be bound to minimum indices in terms of quantity and / or value that will be communicated by the Company to the Customer before the acceptance of the Order.

The Company, for justified and serious reasons (by way of example, the existence of special regulations on the import and export of products, the existence of legal limitations on special products, such as those containing mercury), reserves the right, even if already accepted, to cancel the order by immediately communicating it to the customer.

In the event that a customer in possession of a Community VAT number sends an order to the company, he must first inform the company to avail himself of the non-taxability VAT


The delivery of the Goods will be performed at the address specified by the Customer at the time of acceptance of the order, according to the costs and transportation methods established and indicated on the Shipping page on-line on the website 

Place of delivery. In any case, the Company can accept orders only with delivery to the countries indicated on the Shipping page on-line on the website In the absence of an express specification to the contrary, the address of residence, for the natural persons, or the address of the legal and / or administrative office, for legal persons, will be understood as place of delivery.

Delivery time. The Company can use any possible delivery method. The average delivery time is 24/48 hours, which start from the acceptance of the order on condition that these are items in the Catalog. For products that, due to the law and / or for reasons of safety and / or their characteristics, require special transport methods, it is possible that the delivery times required are longer.

The delivery times indicated above, however, are purely indicative and under no circumstances will the Company be obliged to pay compensation, indemnities or penalties to the Customer for a failed or delayed delivery; any liability of the Company for damages deriving from delay or non-delivery, in whole or in part, for reasons not attributable to it as minor fault of the Carrier or by chance or force majeure, is excluded.

Attention: all deliveries made abroad are DAP, for which customs duties and responsibility from the established city are charged to the customer.


In capo al Cliente grava l’onere di ispezionare la Merce non appena la riceve e, in caso di riscontro di eventuali vizi, difetti o non conformità apparenti, dovrà darne tempestivamente comunicazione scritta, esclusivamente attraverso raccomandata con ricevuta di ritorno o tramite email, indirizzati alla Società, comunque a pena di decadenza, entro e non oltre gli 8 (otto) giorni dal ricevimento della Merce ed, in ogni caso, in conformità all’art. 1495 c.c., indicando dettagliatamente i vizi, i difetti o le difformità contestate.

Qualora il reclamo risulti infondato, il Cliente sarà tenuto a risarcire alla Società tutte le spese sostenute per l’accertamento del reclamo.

In caso di consegna di Merce difettosa, contestata tempestivamente dal Cliente nei modi e nei tempi sopra descritti, la Società sarà tenuta, in via alternativa, alla riparazione o sostituzione della. Nel caso in cui, invece, non venga fatta alcuna comunicazione scritta da parte del Cliente, nelle modalità e nei tempi sopra menzionati, la Società non risponderà di alcun difetto della Merce. Si precisa che la Società non è autrice del software venduto neppure qualora sia parte integrante di altri prodotti, pertanto, non si riterrà responsabile della presenza di eventuali virus.

In ordine all’esatta consegna della quantità di Merce acquistata dal Cliente, la Società registra la quantità di Merce spedita per ogni consegna al momento dell’uscita dai propri magazzini. Tale registrazione costituisce piena prova del quantitativo spedito ed effettivamente ricevuto dal Cliente salvo la prova contraria certa e documentata ad onere esclusivo del Cliente.

La Società non si assume alcuna responsabilità per la mancata consegna della Merce, a meno che non abbia ricevuto entro e non oltre i 10 (dieci) giorni dallo scadere delle 48 ore dall’Accettazione dell’ordine una tempestiva comunicazione scritta, inviata esclusivamente a mezzo raccomandata con ricevuta di ritorno o tramite email, ed indirizzata alla Società.

La Società, nel caso di mancata consegna della Merce sarà tenuta a solo in caso di richiesta espressa effettuata in forma scritta nei modi e nei tempi sopra indicati. Nel caso in cui, invece, non venga fatta alcuna comunicazione scritta da parte del Cliente, nelle modalità e nei tempi sopra menzionati, la Società non risponderà della mancata consegna della Merce e il Cliente sarà, comunque, tenuto all’esatto adempimento dell’impegno assunto. 


Except for the Customer's right to claim against the Produced Goods Manufacturer, in terms of the warranty provided by the latter, the Company, subject to the provisions of the paragraph "Inspections, defects and non-delivery", guarantees defects in the Goods sold only for only defects in products related to design, materials, construction or workmanship. The warranty has a duration of 12 (twelve) months, except as indicated in the following points 14 and 15, starting from the date of delivery of the Goods and is subject to regular notification made by the Customer in writing, by registered letter with return receipt or by email , addressed to the Company. The defects described above, found and duly reported, during this period of 12 (twelve) months (unless otherwise specified by the Company) will be repaired or, at the discretion of the Company, the product will be replaced and this only on condition that the Goods have been used in a manner consistent with its characteristics and peculiarities, as well as with the technical parameters and always that the Customer provides proof that the defect is due to errors in the material, workmanship or design.

The Company excludes any warranty if it is found that the defect derives from the fault, negligence, incompetence or imprudence of the Customer. The Company will not be liable for defective Goods if faults, defects or faults have been determined by the Customer's behavior or if the Customer has changed or repaired the Goods without the express and written consent of the Company or has not followed manufacturer's instructions in storage, use, installation or maintenance etc. Each replaced product will return to the full availability of the Company.

Any item repaired or replaced, within twelve months of delivery, will be subject to the same guarantees provided, according to the provisions of this paragraph and the Conditions of Sale, for the original item, until the expiry of the warranty period.


Unless otherwise indicated, the methods of use of the item or product purchased are indicated in the "Specifications and documentation" on the web page of each product. Dimensions and other physical characteristics are subject to normal commercial tolerances. The company reserves the right not to provide technical support for the products purchased. It will be the customer's responsibility to check, in advance, the suitability of the product or article for the use that he wants to make of the same. In any case, the company reserves the right to terminate the offer of any product, or to make changes to the specifications of the products or items, at any time, even without notice and without having to justify the decision. The company recommends that customers check the dimensions and other data relating to the products published in the catalog as well as their future availability, before using them for particularly important uses.

If the customer intends to sell the purchased products to third parties, it will be his responsibility to ensure that these items are complete with all the accessory elements such as warnings, labels, instructions, manuals and other useful information, supplied with the items themselves.


The Company assumes no responsibility for damages, losses or expenses arising from the fact that it has not given advice or information or for having given incorrect or incorrect advice or information regardless of whether this happened due to the negligence of the same, its own employees, agents, consultants or subcontractors.

These Conditions of Sale govern and limit the entire scope of the responsibility that the Company assumes towards the Customer with respect to the Goods and the same shall prevail and prevail over any other guarantee, condition and terms expressed or tacit established by law except in any case, the guarantees due as provided for in an imperative and mandatory manner by law.

The responsibility of the Company, with reference to the legislation in force, will therefore be limited, alternatively, at the Company's choice, to the repair or the. The Company will not be liable to the Customer for loss of profit or for indirect or consequential damages (regardless of whether it is loss of profit, loss of business, direct or indirect damage to production or otherwise) for costs, expenses or other claims of indemnity of any kind (caused by the negligence of the Company, its employees, agents, consultants or subcontractors) in connection with or in any case related to any contract or agreement existing between the parties.

With particular reference to the use of the Goods the Company, when it comes to the use of the product in medical and / or therapeutic declines any responsibility for any damage or detrimental effect that may derive from it and the Customer automatically accepts the order exclusion of liability of the Company.


The Company reserves the right to request and accept, alternatively, the following payment methods:

  1. Bank transfer in advance.
    This method of payment, which may be requested at the discretion of the Company or by the client's will, must be made exclusively to the current account in the name of the Company that the same, from time to time, will specify. The Goods ordered by the Customer will remain pending until receipt of proof of the transfer, to be sent to the Company, via email, no later than 5 (five) working days from the date of receipt of the order. Once these terms have been useless, the order will be automatically canceled.
  1. PayPal
    The PayPal service allows payment of orders placed via the web with just a few steps and in a completely secure manner. After choosing this method of payment the site will direct you to a dedicated web page where the data of your Paypal account will be entered. In the event that you do not have a Paypal account, you can register for free or pay directly. After completing the procedure you will be notified with an email of the payment receipt


The deadline set for payment must be considered essential and in no way can be postponed.
The Customer will be required to pay in full, even in the event of a dispute or dispute.

Invoices will be sent in electronic PDF format to the e-mail address provided during the account registration process. (IF REQUESTED)


Payments must be made exclusively in euros.


Unless otherwise communicated in writing to the customer, the information contained in the Catalog does not constitute, nor must be intended, as a declaration of the country of origin, of preferential origin, processing, production or assembly of the products or any part thereof.


No order can be canceled or accepted without a written agreement between the Customer and the Company.

Except as provided in the paragraph "Inspections, defects and non-delivery", the customer before returning any type of goods must contact the Company in order to obtain a return authorization number (RMA). All returned goods must be received by the Company and must not be damaged and must be in the original packaging. The Customer is responsible for the shipment of the Goods to the Company and bears the costs and risks and is responsible for proving the delivery of the returned item. The Customer must return the Goods to the address expressly indicated by the Returns Office, indicating, however, the authorization number (RMA), the customer number and the order number, indicated on the outside of the package.

The Company reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to apply more restrictive return conditions for particular products, to retain some excluded from the "right of return", which will be specified from time to time.

In particular, the goods that consist of software or that have been made on specific request or that contain any of the dangerous substances provided for by Directive 2002/95 / EC, on the subject of Restriction on the Use of certain Hazardous Substances (ROHS) in electrical materials and electronic can not be made under this clause. Goods not indicated in the catalog and items not in stock can not be returned pursuant to this clause. Goods sensitive to static energy, or moisture, supplied in sealed packages can not be returned if the coating or film of the packages in which they are supplied has been opened, tampered with or damaged.


In the event that the execution of orders by the company is impeded or impeded by force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances, or the impossibility of obtaining the services, materials or items necessary for the fulfillment of the order, if not at higher prices, the company may delay the fulfillment of the order and, in this case, notify the customer of the delay; these, within 3 (three) days of receiving the communication from the company, will have the right to cancel the order in whole or in part. In none of the aforementioned cases, the company may be held responsible for the delay, cancellation or inability to make delivery.


If the customer qualifies as a consumer, the provisions on consumer protection will be applied, including those referred to in the Consumer Code (Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, No. 206 and subsequent amendments), which are not intended to be derogated from the present general conditions. In particular, in the event that the consumer customer has concluded the contract outside the business premises or through remote bargaining, he will have the right to withdraw without any penalty from the contract, sending, within 14 (fourteen) working days from the date of receipt of the articles purchased, appropriate communication, by letter sent by post, to Tecnosens SpA a socio unico, Via Vergnano 16 25125 Brescia Italy, PEC: [email protected], email: [email protected] or by e-mail at [email protected]. The letter of withdrawal, with the indication "hereby notify the withdrawal from the contract of sale of the following goods ...", shall also contain the following information: SensorInStock order confirmation number, customer personal data (including tax code number), telephone number and / or email address of the customer.

In case of exercise of the right of withdrawal, the purchased products will be returned to SensorInStock, intact and properly packaged, within 14 (fourteen) working days from the sending of the aforementioned communication, at the customer's expense, to the following address: Tecnosens S.p.A., Via Vergnano 16 25125 Brescia Italy, PEC: [email protected], email: [email protected]. Upon the exercise of the right of withdrawal, the company will promptly return to the customer any consideration received.


The Legal Warranty of Conformity (or Legal Warranty) is provided for by the Consumer Code under Articles 122-135 and establishes the liability of the seller for defects in conformity of the goods sold through its sales channels.
The Legal Guarantee referred to in the Consumer Code is reserved for consumer customers.
All the products presenting a lack of conformity existing at the time of delivery and appearing within 24 months from the date of purchase are covered by the Legal Guarantee.

The lack of conformity must be reported to the seller within 2 months from the date of the discovery of the defect.


SensorInStock proceeds to the processing of personal data of its customers in accordance with the law, in the manner and for the purposes specified in the Privacy Policy published on the Internet at: httpsunsure.png/

For any information about it, the [email protected] mailbox is available


The Court of Brescia will be exclusively competent for any controversy deriving from the present general conditions of sale and the relative supply contracts of the products. If the customer qualifies as a consumer, any disputes arising from these general conditions will be devolved to the jurisdiction of the judge of the place of residence or domicile of the consumer. These general conditions of sale are governed by Italian law.

For information on these general conditions of sale, Tecnosens S.p.A. a socio unico, Via Vergnano 16 25125 Brescia Italy, PEC: [email protected], email: [email protected] 


If one of the conditions of these Conditions of Sale will be considered by a competent authority invalid, void, voidable, impossible or unreasonable (in its entirety or in part) the same does not lead to the invalidity, nullity, annulment of all other conditions, but the same will be considered perfectly valid and binding between the parties.

If the Company decides, at its discretion, from time to time, not to enforce all or part of the provisions of these Conditions of Sale, this shall not be considered a waiver of the rights deriving from the same, which will retain its binding and validity .